Friday, August 10, 2012

Lazy Summer


out to Long Island

to go to the beach

back to the city and my drawings

the "finished/unfinished" drawings have taken on a life of their own

forming patterns with numerous meanings

and relationships

sometimes obscure 

or the wrong color

or quickly sketched

or detailed

or in focus

or pale

or worried

I wonder if it is even possible to construct a series without meaning


  1. Tremendous new series. Very compelling. And that shot of the beach is pretty great too!

  2. Great stuff! Actually, I like the pink.

  3. I love the sketches U Bob. I would love something like that of RT, someday. Hope you are well. xoxo

  4. With so many drawings, and so many variations of those drawings, I don't think you've been having a lazy summer, Robert, even if you did find time to take a fast car to that beautiful beach.

    I am beginning to think that I might be too lazy all the time, every season, to draw, really draw, take that time to really look, really experiment, really manage to get the pencil on paper and then let the trusty eraser into the mix.

    Thank you so much for this post. I'm soon to have another day off from The Day Job, and might cast my own summer laziness to the side and pick up my own pencil. Maybe even colored pencils.

    I think it's good that each of your drawings show a person moving forward. That's a good direction for the fearless!

    Best wishes.

  5. Really like these pencil drawings, they take on a life
    of their own...

  6. You are not only a nice guy but a great artist, too!

  7. I love your sketches, too!

    Lazy summer days are the best. :)
